I love this post and especially the sentiment, “…labour and attention are profound acts of love.” Thanks for the important reminder.

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Thanks, Jessica!

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This reminded me of two things:

1) How you do anything is how you do everything. Your words on the time and effort mattering stirred this up in particular. If the way we gift is by spending two minutes clicking on a link on Amazon and having it ship in a brown box - and paying extra for some underpaid individual to put it in one of those gift bags with a typed up gift note (or even worse, getting the email that allows you to see who sent you a gift and what it is before it arrives) - we likely make the same decisions other places in life, too.

2) I received a gift from my parents for Christmas addressed to "Jeremy Jeim" our last name misspelled by my own parents. I know I shouldn't be as hard on them, but at their age and mine, a hand-written card from them would be something I treasure far beyond the life of whatever is in this brown box.

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So true! I do love that phrase. Thanks for the reminder.

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I am wondering if you would be willing to share the recipe for the long rectangular shape cookie on the right of the picture? They look amazing!!

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Hi Julie. Yes, the recipe comes from Canadian cookbook author Bonnie Stern. I use the recipe from one of her cookbooks, but I just googled it and saw that she shared it on Instagram a couple years ago. Hopefully this link works for you. If not, let me know: https://www.instagram.com/bonniestern/p/Cmhh14epy7F/?img_index=1

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