Just found your writing—a delight! I was struck that you entertain twice a week. Wow. I’d love to hear how you pull that off.

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Thank you, Emily, and welcome to the site! I am so glad you're enjoying my writing. That's a good suggestion to delve more into entertaining. I'll think up a good post angle! Basically, on Tuesday nights we have a standing dinner guest, a music teacher who comes from out of town to give the kids lessons and share a meal with us. And then there's always (at least!) one weekend meal with guests.

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Bravo for you! I wish I had figured out all of what you wrote about in this post when I was only in my thirties! I am finally at a place where I don't always have to use recipes, and I do love finding new recipes, but you have a very good point about spreading oneself too thin with trying new recipes all the time. Thanks for these helpful strategies in cooking healthy and delicious meals!

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